iPhone 5's!
So it seems every single carrier in London is out of iPhone 5's. Damn. Nonetheless we're on order with most of them. Once you touch it and experience how light the new version is, how rapidly it responds and how much of a difference that extra little bit of screen makes, its hard to wait...
UPDATE: We finally got our new phones! Thanks in huge part to our friend Greg who works at the Masonville Apple Store. Both have a bit of a rattle :( but we're going to have those checked out tomorrow. One things for sure, I love Siri! Its really a personal assistant in your pocket (in a completely non freaky deaky way). We'll let you know how things go on Friday.
UPDATE: Took my iPhone into the store and got a replacement. Service of the highest order as usual from Apple. The genius agreed that the rattle was excessive and as a result swapped out my phone for a new (much quieter one). Very happy!!
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